Bank Capital Adequacy under Basel III & Basel IV
Programme description & objectives
The overall goal of this two-day course is to provide participants with a general overview of current financial regulation under the Basel Accords. We achieve this by a combination of theory and practice, including case studies from financial institutions, as well as reviewing the actual regulatory documents from the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS), the European Banking Authority (EBA), the EU Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV).
Financial Modelling & Valuation
Programme description & objectives
The overall goal of this course is to provide participants with the skills to produce a bank-forecasting model and run scenario analysis. After the program, it I expected that delegates would have improved insights into the following tasks and activities:
- Plan and design a bank valuation model and build a portfolio of excel shortcuts to aid modeling efficiency
- Extract financial data from the annual reports and normalize these for forecasting purposes
- Understand the relationship of the key assets and liabilities on a bank’s balance sheet and derive an income statement and model a detailed loan portfolio
- Add detailed scenario flexibility, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and model equity distribution within the constraints of regulatory capital requirements
- Develop a back end equity model and carry out sensitivity analysis
Developing & Regulating New Financial Products & Services – An expert Guide
Programme description & objectives
In view of the very tough and highly competitive business environment in which Nigerian Banks operate, licensed financial institutions are compelled to craft business survival strategies through the offering of cutting-edge products and services with the aim of making profit and while delighting their customers. Unfortunately, these product and service offerings have not only delighted some customers excellently well on one side but on the other, have attracted a large number of complaints ranging from poor service delivery or failure to ethical issues which has necessiated the need for an arbiter to adjudicate on the complaints in order to resolve them amicably. The programme is targeted at regulators who are responsible for consumer complaints resolution. The regulator is an independent statutory body, set up to represent the interests of consumers in the development of policy for the regulation of financial services. It is important that officers in-charge understand the process of product and service development as well as the role of the regulator as an umpire with a view to ensuring compliance with service level terms and conditions within regulatory guidelines.
Central Counterparties, Clearing Houses & Exchanges
Programme description & objectives
This program offers a structured approach to the credit analysis of Financial Markets Infrastructures (FMIs): specifically central counterparties (CCPs), clearing houses, settlement agents and exchanges. To be facilitated by some of our most experienced consultants, the key learning outcomes include, but not limited to. Improved knowledge and insights into:
- Business models of central counterparties, clearing houses, settlement agents and exchanges and how these are changing in response to economic, structural, competitive and regulatory issues
- Main business and financial risks faced by each business model and how to evaluate risk management and strategy
- Key performance indicators for each business model and dissect financial statements to uncover key credit issues
- Typical exposures to the different types of institution and how these can be structured in order to minimize credit and other risks
Counterparty Credit Risk in Derivatives
Programme description & objectives
The aim of this three-day course is to enable attendees to identify the key categories and drivers of transaction credit risk in the main derivative products, and to apply a consistent approach to the quantification of these risks. Delegates to this program would avail of expanded knowledge opportunities aimed at:
- Understanding the various types of counterparty credit risk occurring in derivative products and repurchase agreements (repos)
- Assessing detailed counterparty credit risks in interest rate, foreign exchange, credit derivative, equity, and repo products
- Applying lessons learned from the recent crisis to structure & reduce counterparty risk
- Calculating the counterparty credit risk of a portfolio of transactions
- Analyzing, reversing, and engineering complex derivative transactions to determine counterparty risk
Intensive Bank Analysis
Programme description & objectives
The overall goal of this course is to provide participants with a structured approach to analyzing the credit risk of developed market, commercial and universal banks and the skills to make an independent assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a bank. The key learning outcomes of the program include the following:
- Use a structured approach to the analysis of banks, incorporating the CAMELS framework within the wider context of the operating environment and support
- Identify strong and weak performers using a detailed analysis of financial statements within the context of local and international accounting and business norms
- Identify financial, qualitative and market early warning signals of credit risk and migration
- Stress test bank capital and ability to withstand credit, market and liquidity risk
- Evaluate strategy and risk management capabilities within the context of the current and future economic climate and changing competitive, political and regulatory conditions, including Basel III capital and liquidity requirements
Advanced Principles of Stress Testing – Implementation & Modelling Under Regulatory Standards
Programme description & objectives
The recent financial crisis reminded the financial community including the regulators of the continuing significant weaknesses in the capital adequacy measurement, risk management processes, and technology relied upon by financial services firms. As a result, there is greater awareness and renewed emphasis on the benefits of stress testing globally and how it might help firms to test and take certain management actions in order to survive future stressed scenarios.
Bank Recovery and Resolution Planning – Evolving the Plans
Programme description & objectives
This intensive course covers the key issues, tools, and techniques used to create and manage a RRP and the real-life challenges faced by financial institutions in the RRP process. Following the credit crisis and subsequent rescue of failing financial institutions by governments, Recovery and Resolution Planning (RRP) rules are being implemented globally, which require banks, building societies, and investment firms to produce a Recovery plan and Resolution pack. At the close of the program, delegates wold have boradened their knowledge and expertise through improved:
- Understanding of the need for RRPs and the implications for the financial services industry
- Capabilities aimed at analyzing the key components of a recovery and resolution plan for financial institutions
- Ability to apply the latest key regulatory requirements to a bank’s recovery and resolution plan
- Capabilities to strategize and devise solutions to the practical challenges faced by financial institutions in preparing RRPs
Expanded Insights into the Financial Derivative Markets & Product Dynamics – Initiatives for Enhanced Efficiency in Turbulent Times
Programme description & objectives
The significance of a vibrant, effective, and efficient derivatives market in the present tumultuous environment cannot be overemphasized. Specifically, the Nigerian financial/monetary environment is presently being buffeted and impacted by the whirlwind of the global exchange rate regimes. The prevailing financial crisis, therefore, demands increased strategic measures in not only how the futures and derivatives markets are regulated, but in the market structure for the trading and clearing of derivative instruments, and in how they are priced.
Financial Modeling in Excel
Program description & objectives
When looking at any financial opportunity, the ability to perform the accurate and realistic analysis is imperative. In today’s ever-changing business environment, the capability to just manipulate spreadsheets is not enough. You have to be able to incorporate all the “what if” scenarios and stress test any proposal to its limits. A working financial model can facilitate and improve the reliability and quality of your decision-making.
Advanced Accounting & Financial Reporting Standards
Programme description & objectives
This program will entail a full exploration of Advanced Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards for both public and private sector organizations with emphasis on advanced accounting procedures and performance management strategies. Delegates will also be taken through methods of assessing financial performance with an aim to ensuring efficient and prompt service delivery to both internal and external customers. Further efforts will be made to take delegates through prospective financial information management and strategy. At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:
- Appreciate how transactions are recorded in business accounting systems
- Apply professional judgment in summarising and reporting financial information
- Identify the role of accounting and financial reporting standards in the communication of financial results
- Understand how key accounting and financial reporting standards are applied to their respective organizations
- Understand the role of audit in providing assurance to shareholders
- Read and understand their organizations’ annual financial reports
- Apply analytical techniques to evaluate the financial performance and financial position of the organization
Financial & Market Risk Management – Root Cause Analysis & Problem Solving
Programme description & objectives
The course covers the most important aspects of the art of market risk management, as seen from both the traders’ and the enterprise risk managers’ point of view. The measurement of market risk and its use for position management, regulatory purpose and risk/return optimization is explored in detail. From simple linear instruments to exotic options and complex pricing models, the course will give you the knowledge and skills to tackle the challenges of the modern practice of market risk management. The course starts by describing the tools used on the trading desks to measure, control and mitigate the unwanted risks, on both plain vanilla and complex instruments and portfolios. A discussion of the technological challenges involved in the implementation of an enterprise-wide risk management system completes the course. The delegates will use their Excel skills to build tools that will help them to prototype their own risk management engine.
Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Programme description & objectives
Many organizations around the world are beginning to see the need for the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which provides a platform for the assessment of the financials of companies in any jurisdiction on a level and comparable basis. Peculiarities exist in different countries that may render comparison ineffectual and farcical. However, in this program, the pros and cons of adopting IFRS, especially for financial sector operators both in the Public and Private sectors, is adequately considered. Interpretation of IFRS-based statements is also a key platform, while the challenges facing companies in their bid to implement IFRS is discussed with suggestions as to how to overcome these peculiarities.
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) – Driving Reliability, Credibility & Integrity of Financial Reporting
Program description & objectives
Public sector organizations have long worked with a variety of financial reporting processes, many of which are principally cash-based accounting systems. The public sector has, therefore, encountered challenges posed by a lack of standardized international reporting practices. Designed for use in preparing general-purpose financial statements, IPSAS sets uniform guidelines for accounting in public sector entities. Such standards as established by IPSAS enable the comparison of data across organizations, and also improve financial accounting and transparency.
Flowing from the above, this program, therefore, aims to evaluate the impact of IPSAS on the reliability, the credibility, and the integrity of financial reporting in Nigeria. Under the auspices of our Accounting and Finance experts, this program would introduce the conceptual framework on which IPSAS was premised. Furthermore, we would ascertain the impact of IPSAS on reliability, credibility, and integrity of financial reporting using recent and relevant case studies; and through discussions on contemporary events on the subject matter.
Credit Loss Estimation – Industry Challenges & Solutions for Stress Testing
Programme description & objectives
Stress testing is a form of deliberately intense or thorough testing used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. With the advancing liberalization and globalization, stress testing and credit risk management are gaining a lot of importance. It is very important for banks today to understand and manage credit risk through a thorough regime of stress testing. Banks today put in a lot of efforts in managing, modeling and structuring credit risk.
Financial & Enterprise Risk Management Master Class
Program description & objectives
This intense five-day training course heightens the participants’ attention to various issues at the forefront of risk management and implementation. It explains why risk management is becoming the key priority for governments, banks, and private corporations.
Delegates to this program will partake in a practical and hands-on course that covers:
- Understanding the role of risk management department, schedule of risks and risk management framework.
- Measuring market risk to understand the weaknesses and limitations of VAR. How to use the new market risk valuation techniques.
- Constructing credit spread and default risk using derivatives.
- Managing credit portfolio and how to analyze the new paradigm.
Liquidity Risk Management in Banks
Programme description & objectives
Liquidity risk has been one of the main drivers of the current credit crisis. This workshop will give an overview of the challenges and recommendations for liquidity risk management going forward. Participants will be equipped to:
- Review liquidity management lessons learned from the current crisis.
- Use a structured approach to assess liquidity risk management, asset and liability management and funding strategy.
- Understand how banks forecast, control and stress-test their liquidity sources and use (on and off balance sheet) and build a contingency funding plan to address stress cash outflows.
- Identify banks with weak liquidity and contingency planning within the context of the bank’s role within the financial system.
- Anticipate changing regulations and supervisory guidance on the management of bank liquidity.
Corporate Credit Analysis
Programme description & objectives
The overall goal of this five-day programme is to enhance existing analytic skills, using a structured and systematic approach to evaluate the credit standing of a company and the relative attractiveness of the risk-return profile of the investing / lending proposition. Participants are encouraged to be focused, practical and concise in developing and articulating credit judgment.
Advanced Corporate Credit Analysis
Programme description & objectives
The course makes extensive use of case studies, live examples and exercises to ensure that the training is highly interactive, practical, topical and challenging. Case studies are drawn from a number of countries and industries and provide participants with the opportunity to practice the application of the analytic frameworks and tools in context. The emphasis is on developing critical judgement; participants are required to be focused, practical and realistic in their approach.
Corporate Finance & Funding Strategies
Programme description & objectives
This programme offers a practical approach to corporate finance. It equips participants to understand the rationale underpinning corporate finance strategies and how this drives funding solutions.
Participants will learn how corporate finance techniques can be used to identify business development opportunities for clients and to quantify the benefits of alternative financing and business solutions. Specifically, the goals of the training are to equip participants to:
- Anticipate management strategic decisions in response to market conditions and shareholders aims and objectives
- Use valuation techniques to assess possibilities to enhance values
- Identify capital structures and financing alternatives that optimise the cost of capital and shareholder value within the client’s own risk parameters
- Recommend attractively, client-focused changes to corporate and financial strategies that are value-enhancing and appropriate to current market conditions.
Advanced Financial Analysis, Planning & Forecasting Seminar
Program description and objectives
This program is designed and focused on bringing together important areas of Financial Management, Planning, and Forecasts. The program would specifically be geared towards helping Finance professionals:
- Plan more effectively for the future
- Use the financial techniques of planning and control
- Improve performance from the use of the tools of financial analysis
- Link planning and budgeting with costing and performance measurement
- Master the skills of budgetary and cost control
Corporate Finance & Financial Credit – Seminar on Problem Loans, Loans Workout, & Documentation
Program description and objectives
As a result of the slowing global economy, an increasing number of borrowers are failing to meet their loan obligations. Banks lending to such troubled borrowers are often faced with a dilemma: enforcing liquidation which can provide certainty of a short-term return but which can involve a significant loss of principal, or give the borrower more time which adds yet more uncertainty to a risky recovery process.
In tough liquidity conditions, such as today’s global credit crunch, credit professionals are required to quickly identify what is causing borrowers problems and provide the most appropriate and cost-effective financing solution. Such solutions can be unique to the sector in which the company operates and specialist knowledge may be required regarding leverage buyouts, corporate loan workouts, and particularly immediate organizational financial restructuring. Access to credit and knowledge of how to implement relevant credit strategies will be the key-determining factor as to which companies survive this crisis.
Financial Analysis, Planning & Controlling Budgets
Program description and objectives
This intensive program is designed and focused on bringing together important areas of Financial Management, Planning and Control, Financial Analysis, Setting and Controlling of Budgets. The program will specifically be geared towards helping business professionals:
- Plan more effectively for the future
- Use the financial techniques of planning and control
- Improve performance from the use of the tools of financial analysis
- Link planning and budgeting with costing and performance measurement
- Master the skills of budgetary and cost control
Credit Loss Estimation: Industry Challenges & Solutions for Stress Testing
Programme description & objectives
Stress testing is a form of deliberately intense or thorough testing used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. With the advancing liberalization and globalization, stress testing and credit risk management are gaining a lot of importance. It is very important for banks today to understand and manage credit risk through a thorough regime of stress testing. Banks today put in a lot of efforts in managing, modeling and structuring credit risk. This topic, and the concern to safeguard bank loan portfolios is now regarded as a fundamental component of the banking function. The management of credit risk must be incorporated into the fiber of banks. All financial institutions today need to implement efficient risk adjusted return on capital methodologies, and build cutting-edge portfolio credit risk management systems, both of which can only be premised on a solid stress testing foundation.
Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring
Program description and objectives
This program provides participants with compliance monitoring best practices. Anchored by a versatile compliance specialist and professional, the program effectively covers relevant and contemporary regulatory frameworks and guidelines. The course would enhance and enable participants’ organization of monitoring activities in a comprehensive, planned, and flexible manner. Such capabilities provides necessary allowances for changes in the internal and external operating environments.
After the program, it is expected that participants would be able to develop realistic and documented assessment of the compliance risks faced by their respective organizations. Also, the competencies taught and passed on by the facilitator would ensure that delegates are able to take the right actions. The course is highly interactive and hand-on, combining real life scenarios, case studies and clear examples.
Anti-Money Laundering & Compliance Workshop
Program description and objectives
This workshop provides practical knowledge and useful skills for all staff within the workplace. The program is structured to teach staff best practices in how to identify and minimise risk. Early detection can make a significant difference so the workshop provides practical advice on what to do in the event of suspicion. Furthermore, the workshop highlights the consequences when suspicions are ignored. The various types of financial crime are explored, best practices in financial crime and fraud prevention is studied, and the characteristics of fraudsters are examined.
By the end of the workshop, it is expected that the existing knowledge of participants would have been enhanced considerably enabling improved financial crime detection and prevention in the workplace.
Forensic Accounting & Auditing
Programme description & objectives
The role of internal audit has changed dramatically in recent years, with a much greater emphasis on providing assurance to management about the control environment, Value for Money and the quality of corporate governance. However, internal audit still has a key role to play in combating and investigating fraud. Expertise in identifying high risk areas, together with the skills to identify and handle incidents of financial crime, is just as important as it ever was. The incidence of such fraud is increasing and, statistically, it is likely to be one of your long-standing, trusted employees who is stealing your money, your assets or your information.
Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) Compliance & Risk Management
Programme description & objectives
This intensive program will review financial crimes including bribery and corruption, cybercrime, fraud, market abuse, money laundering, sanctions, terrorist financing, and weapons proliferation. Structured to be hands-on and with contemporary examples and case studies, delegates to the program would avail of the deep insight and knowledge of the facilitators. The program would explore, explain, and enlighten the delegates about the current financial fraud methods and techniques.
The Dynamics of Nigerian Foreign Exchange Policy & Market – A Comprehensive Overview & Diagnosis for Policy Refinement
Programme description & objectives
This is course has been specially designed and packaged to avail participants the opportunity of learning about the evolution, the developments, and the advancements of the regimes of foreign exchange rate determination and management – both at the global and domestic levels, from inception to date. The learning outcomes of such developmental trajectory in foreign exchange operations and management are with a view to drawing insights from history to guide action for future policy direction through the adoption of contemporary foreign exchange management practices.
Exchange Rates & Open-Economy Macroeconomics – The Basics for Financial Regulators
Programme description & objectives
In this course, we shift our focus and ask: How can economic policy, monetary policy, and the effective management of foreign exchange ensure that factors of production are fully employed? Furthermore, what determines how an economy’s capacity to produce goods and services changes over time?
Flowing from the above, participants to this program will learn how the interactions between national economies influence the worldwide pattern of macroeconomic activity. The facilitators would also discuss the roles of trade in growth and welfare in an open economy. Delegates would also expand their knowledge on the causes and consequences of factor mobility, as well as the role of multinationals.
The Forex & Money Markets – An Enhanced Knowledge & Understanding
Programme description & objectives
Anchored by relevant financial experts, the program on Foreign Exchange (FX) and Money Markets is structured to share knowledge and expertise aimed at equipping the delegates with the prevailing trends in both markets. The course would provide firm grounding in the instruments and activities of the international money and FX markets. The program would further create clarity and ensure a full understanding of the scale, speed and apparent diversity of the markets in a world of globalization.
In recent years, the importance of the money markets has become even greater as financial institutions focus more closely on the management and diversification of their sources of liquidity, apply greater discipline to their funding and examine the attractions of short term investment and trading strategies. The course emphasises the integrated nature of the market – in particular, how different instruments perform the same or similar functions and the opportunities this provides for arbitrage and hedging. Finally, the course analyses the liquidity characteristics and risks of different instruments and funding strategies.
The Nitty-Gritty of Fraud Prevention, Detection and Investigation – A Deep Dive Approach
Programme description & objectives
Program description & objectives
The tone from the top is a key part of any fraud prevention and detection strategy. Organizations need to take the threat of fraud seriously, and that the strongest possible action against staff and third parties who commit fraud would be taken. A simple, focused and easily understood fraud policy is a cost effective way of demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to combating fraud and corruption wherever it is found. The development of an anti fraud culture is a crucial part of your fight against fraud.
The immediate aftermath of the discovery or allegation of fraud can be a difficult time. A document that sets out responsibilities and procedures to be followed can be invaluable in ensuring the right decisions are made. This is particularly important in relation to the preservation of evidence and on how to deal with the individuals involved. A fraud policy raises awareness amongst staff that response plans have been devised, to deal with and minimise the damage caused by any fraudulent attack. By explicitly defining actions that constitute fraud you ensure that all employees and third parties are aware of what is and is not acceptable.
Compliance and Regulatory Skill Development for Fraud Prevention Professionals
Programme description & objectives
This insightful and contemporary compliance regulatory training course is designed to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and support regulatory compliance and enterprise wide risk management. Delegates would also avail of expanded knowledge on how to deal with the rules, the markets, products and transactions, to promote best practices and international standards that align with business and regulatory requirements.
Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) & Sanctions – Exploring & Exploiting a Knowledge & Practical-Based Approach
Programme description & objectives
Majority of the banks and regulatory organizations who have failed to put adequate Anti Money Laundering (AML) and sanctions compliance programs and training in place have incurred penal fines, reputational damage and faced the potential loss or suspension of their ability to operate in certain currency markets or jurisdictions. This workshop is therefore focused on the associated AML and sanctions compliance risks in Trade Finance. The course is geared to, and has been designed for correspondent bankers, trade operational and sales personnel and compliance officers to enable them to identify compliance risk zones in each of these product areas. The course uses a range of typologies, exercises and case studies to develop the understanding of delegates in a practical and engaging way across a range of scenarios.
Risk-Based Approach to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF)
Programme description & objectives
The “risk-based” anti-money laundering (AML) principle was first promoted by British regulatory authorities. In January 2000, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) was the first to put forth such a concept in its book titled A New Regulator for the New Millennium. Since then, the principle was actively promoted by international organizations, such as the Wolfsberg Group, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the International Organization of Securities Commissions.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Masterclass
Programme description & objectives
This Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Masterclass is designed to develop the essential skills necessary to enable you to understand and have an expanded knowledge of AML and Counter Terrorism financing. The program also focuses on how to prevent, detect, and report money laundering activities. Furthermore, this training course covers regulatory environment and focuses on the importance of Know your Customer (KYC), the importance of Customer Due Diligence (CDD), sanctions monitoring and the role of the Money Laundering Reporting Officer in practical terms. Delegates will learn about studying the AML risks involved in emerging economies.
Anti-Money Laundering – An In-depth Understanding of the Intricacies
Programme description & objectives
This course provides a comprehensive and practical analysis of Money Laundering schemes, Anti-Money Laundering legislation, and counter-measure techniques and implementation. Participants will learn to understand the complexities associated with the prevention and the protection of their organizations. The program will cover different types of schemes, the methods available to prove income, the required records, how to analyze them, and how to identify leads.
Considering the most current cases of violation of Anti-Money Laundering regulations and the cost associated with it, not only in money but in reputation as well, this course will give participants guidance and understanding of regulations both in Nigeria and internationally, to ensure regulatory parastatals and organizations stay ahead of the game. This course is therefore billed to be fully interactive and participatory to achieve the maximum benefit and learning outcome.
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Control – Identifying and Expunging the Rot
Programme description & objectives
While forensic accounting and fraud auditing and control are not new concepts, they are becoming increasingly important. We are constantly hearing about fraud cases and accounting schemes committed by corporations and individuals in the accounting world. This course takes participants from the theory and concept of forensic accounting to its implementation and practice. In addition, this course provides the necessary tools to help professionals add value to their organizations by examining fraud controls and applying forensic accounting and analysis to their data.
Fraud Detection and Prevention for the Insurance Industry
Programme description & objectives
Insurance fraud is a hydra-headed problem that has been growing in leaps and bound over many decades. The frightening revelation, however, is that most developing economies and the responsible regulatory agencies/parastatals are not yet focused on the immense level of fraud and rot in this area. This course, therefore, covers how to prevent fraud, how to detect fraud, the tools to investigate fraud, and how to gather information, and how to prepare a case for prosecution as it relates to the insurance industry.
IT Auditing and IT Fraud Detection
Programme description & objectives
In today’s world, IT fraud prevention and investigation have become an everyday part of corporate life and auditors must gain expertise in this area. With such significant importance, up-skilling in the area of IT auditing therefore requires much more attaention in order to enhance the identification and prevention of fraud. This course is intended to sharpen the skills of internal auditors and financial regulators in assisting in the prevention, detection, deterrence and reporting of IT fraud. The course covers a wide range of topics such as the abilities and the capabilities of the IT fraud auditor, computer fraud and control, predication, the type and nature of common IT frauds, and the auditors’ legal skills.